A three-tier membership program offered on www.iwc.com will enable participants to donate USD 20, USD 200 or USD 1000 and receive exclusive benefits in return. All donations will go toward CDF’s science and conservation priorities in Galapagos.

Those who choose to donate USD 1,000 will become Benefactors of the CDF and be invited to various events from the CDF and IWC such as the annual CDF General Assembly or an IWC Fake Watches UK boutique event, receive a special documentation package and qualify for preferential treatment if travelling to the Galapagos Islands including a VIP tour of the research station.

At a cost of USD 200, participants will become Supporters of CDF which entitles them to receive the CDF and IWC newsletters, and enjoy an invitation to the research station if travelling to the Islands.

The third option is to symbolically adopt an endangered species at a cost of USD 20: a positive step toward protecting animals and the habitat in which they live.